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Saturday 7 May 2011

Reality? I think I prefer mine without...

Last week I read a blog where someone discussed seeing a scene from the Royal Wedding (yawn!) where the archbishop danced down the aisle.

I commented that this was actually a spoof made by T-mobile to promote their services.

The blogger responded with the comment that I might be right, but they still did it!

I was frankly amazed that anyone would actually believe this was genuine footage. I then heard that there have been thousands of people commenting on the 'Royals' dancing. They have completely failed to realise they are all actors!

It left me wondering about our perception of reality. These people want to believe it happened so they ignore common sense (can anyone really imagine the most uptight family in the UK behaving in this manner?) and decide it's true.

I wonder where it ends. I've seen Spiderman, so I guess he must real...

As a writer you want your readers to believe in your characters, but I like to hope they can differentiate between fiction and reality.

I would be seriously concerned about anyone who regarded anything they see on TV as true, regardless of the context.

If you were one of the viewers who saw the T-mobile ad and thought it was real I suggest you sit in a darkened room until you feel sane again. Dancing Royals? Please...

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