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Monday, 30 May 2011

I wish I could remember what I wanted to tell you...

When I first start writing a new piece of work I am full of enthusiasm and cannot wait to commit the words to paper (or hard drive these days!). Unfortunately, that enthusiasm falls quickly away to be replaced by apathy. I struggle to make the effort to write – I often begin to consider the next piece instead – and frequently end up with a half written piece that I return to now and again without ever developing.

Recently, the same thing has happened to this blog. Where once I wrote daily, I now write once or twice a week.

The difference is more to do with the content. I'm never sure what to write about when I sit down at the computer. Sometimes inspiration strikes and the words fly from my fingers. Other times I mentally wander around looking for the germ of an idea. As the blog is entirely voluntary, I just leave it if nothing comes to mind. It's a good job I don't have a paid daily column, isn't it?

It's not even the fact I can't always think of anything to say. I often write whole chapters/blog posts in my mind as I go about my day. The problem seems to be reforming them when I have the opportunity to write.

I wonder if I just have a bad memory or whether it's more to do with a quality filter. Perhaps my 'brilliant' concepts are evaluated by the mental review committee and found to be lacking in quality. The decision is made to delete the file rather than clutter up my mind with rubbish.

It would be nice to imagine this is the case rather than an inability to remember my own thoughts...

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