I've just read a very interesting piece by Alex Gazzola http://mistakeswritersmake.blogspot.com/2011/05/mistake-no-48-no-thank-you.html on the failure of writes to say 'Thank you' for assistance provided.
This left me considering the lack of manners which seems to be becoming commonplace in our society.
The English (or the British) have a world reputation for good manners and a sense of fair play. But do we deserve it?
Walk through any city or town centre and you can expect to be pushed, shoved, sworn at and looked at with contempt for no obvious reasons. People show no consideration for others – they will gather in doorways and aisles without any concern for the people trying to get by. Ask them (politely) to let you by and you can often find yourself treated like a nuisance.
The shop assistants are frequently rude, ignorant or plain unwilling. If they don't like people they should work elsewhere or remember they are being paid to serve. I think this is part of the problem – the idea of serving someone suggests they are better than you. Most young people now regard themselves as something exceptional – without considering any need to do anything to earn the title. Result? They look down on everyone else. Unfortunately, they no longer grow out of this attitude as they grow older.
Too many trashy TV shows highlight the sort of attitude teenagers emulate. The plethora of 'reality' shows encourage teenagers to expect everything handed to them. They don't see a need for manners – "only losers say please!"
I was taught to say please and thank you, open doors for people, etc. Now I'm frequently looked at with contempt – if the person even acknowledges me at all!
Our society has changed from one with clearly defined class lines to one with opportunities for anyone to improve their situation – provided you have the necessary talent, work hard and get the breaks.
This is a good thing.
Unfortunately, it also seems to have taken away any desire to show respect to anyone. Not so good...
Our reputation around the world can no longer be that of good manners - visit any holiday spot and watch the rude behaviour of the British abroad. Instead we must now be seen as ill mannered hooligans.
I was going to continue to complain, but I think you get the idea. I know plenty of people (young and older) who have good manners, are polite and friendly – but we all know it is the unpleasant few who are always the most noticed.
Thank you for stopping by.
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